Once you have the key, run straight to the Kitchen. Either lead Jack away, dodging his attacks, or simply grab the key. The Hatch Key you need is on that corner table. Take a right around the corner (towards the Main Hall), and you should see Jack lean over on the corner table. As soon as you can move around, exit to the hallway. Main House: Introduction through Garage boss fight Wander around until Jack automatically catches you, initiating a cinematic. If using the Axe, get behind her and hack away. Boss fight! Defeat Mia using either the Axe or Handgun. Start climbing the ladder, and then immediately back away from it. Enter the Attic at the end of the hall. On the third floor, you can optionally enter the room on the right to get the Handgun and a couple of consumables. Take the stairs to the second floor safe room and press the button to lower the staircase to the third floor. Return to the Living Room and use the Fuse in the panel beside the door. Go back through the Kitchen and use the Bolt Cutters to open the cabinet and get the Fuse. Retrieve the Axe and then go through the newly opened door in the hallway.
When the phone in the hallway rings, take the call. Pick up the Axe from the floor and use it to defeat her. After the first Mia encounter, move around the hallway again until Mia stands up and throws you through the wall. Press the attack button to Resist when prompted.
Head back to the staircase you came from. Enter the Bathroom (take the First Aid Med if you're not on a No-Healing run), and then check the locked door at the end of the hallway. Take the newly opened passage that leads upstairs. Enter the nearby Storeroom, examine the doll on the shelf, and Mia will be abducted.
Once there, she should sit down on the couch. Follow Mia as she slowly leads you to the Storage Room.Use the Bolt Cutters to enter Mia's cell.When you reach the cell where Mia is kept, turn left (east) and grab the Bolt Cutters.While navigating through the water, hug the wall to the right to avoid the floating body.Enter the passage that opens to the right and climb down the ladder.Approach the fireplace, crouch, and pull the handle inside.
Go past the staircase and turn into the second door on the right, the Living Room.Head down the hall, through the kitchen, and turn right into the next hall.Hop down the ledge before the fire (ignoring Mia's purse) and enter the Guest House.At the fork with the crows on the right, go left and crouch under gate.Ignore the van and run through the gate.As soon as Ethan exits the car, sprint down the path towards the house.
The introduction movie can't be skipped, alas! With those tips and guidelines out of the way, let's begin! Outside the Guest House
Speedrun tip: Ignore all phone calls unless otherwise instructed in this guide. Time does not pass while the game is paused, so pause whenever you're looking at this walkthrough or thinking about what to do. SPEEDRUNNERS GAME STARTS AND THEN CLOSES MANUAL
Retrying after death adds time too, so consider reloading a manual save if you die. Time passes while using menus, checking the map, and saving the game. The only skippable cinematics are the one that plays after the old videotape sequence on the Wrecked Ship and the ending movies. Most cinematics are unskippable and add to your time. Before we begin, it's important to understand what adds to your time during a playthrough and what doesn't.